Google for Creators

Google for Creators is a new initiative aimed at helping creators amplify their content on the web.

  • Goal of DM Piece: Help creators feel rejuvenated after the creative fatigue they likely experienced during the pandemic

  • Headline Approach: Speak to the self-starter nature of creators; mirror the encouraging language of the website; allude to the craft kit inside

  • What’s in the Box: A Sculpd Pottery Kit and a sweet lil’ note



Discover offers a credit card designed for students since the powers that be demand we build credit early.

  • Goal of DM Piece: Share the perks of building a credit history sooner rather than later

  • Headline Approach: Annotate the benefits of building credit with Discover using journey language (client request)


Google Assistant

In spite of another challenging year, Google’s 2021 Year in Search video highlighted hope and human connection.


Challenge: Create messaging for each month that included the search trend, the theme of human connection, and postivity — all under 100 characters
Solution: To ensure my copy was a) consistent from month to month and b) hit on all of the above, I created a formula (see below)


This is the copy breakdown for January. The rest of the months follow this formula, as well.


To see the rest of the email, click here.


Drano (student)

Drano is a fast and easy solution to a slow-draining sink.

  • Strategic Approach: Write something clever, a.k.a the innovative and brave approach I used for all of my student work

  • Headline Approach: Speak to the universal truth that stagnant water in your sink is gross